Radiators are one of the major components of the heating system. There are different types of heating radiators on the current market. They include heat convectors, hot water, cast iron, baseboard, and electric heaters.
Steam radiator
With this equipment, hot water from the radiators is used in warming the room. They are cost effective and very efficient. You should be very careful when using it because it can burn your hand if you happen to touch it.
Baseboard heater
This is an effective method of supplementing your heating system. It is a device that takes up little space. It is an energy efficient device that works by warming the air close to the floor. The room is heated by the rising warm air.
Cast iron
These are the oldest radiators, but they are good for heating. They are known for holding heat for a longer time as compared to the other radiators. The only problem with them is their bulkiness and big sizes. They take a long time before heating up.
Ceramic convection
This is another type of radiator that uses steam when heating. It is one of the new models. It is well designed, and it is cool to touch. That is one of its great advantages.
Removing and replacing broken valves of a radiator
The valves are removed and replaced to keep the structure of the house intact as well as protecting the furnace from overexertion. It is a process that requires the highest degree of finesse. You are required to have the right set of tools when doing this task. Following the manufacturer’s instructional guide can greatly help you in performing this essential task. The following are some of the critical steps that you should follow when removing and replacing your radiator’s valves.
Attaching the drain hose
It begins with turning off the supply valve of the radiator. The supply valve is located at the bottom of the radiator. This is then followed by attaching the drain hose to the drain valve of your equipment. It is done using a screwdriver and hose clamp. The drain valve is located on the opposite side of the supply valve. The drain hose is directed to a bucket to prevent the spilling of water onto the floor. The drain valve is loosened carefully using a pipe wrench. The drain hose should be removed once the drain valve is fully drained.
Removing the old valves
All the radiators that need to be replaced should be removed after emptying the drain valve. These devices are removed using a pipe wrench. Once you have removed them, the thread on the valve seats should be cleaned using a steel wool. This is then followed by applying a Teflon plumber’s tape on the thread on the new devices. They are the secured into the feeder pipes and valve seats using a screwdriver. You can use a pipe wrench to tighten them safely.